Is it Possible to Prepare for Tragedy?

Social media instantly connects us with tragedies and crises all over the world. The current Covid-19 crisis now dominates our thoughts.  Sometimes, I wish we could revert to a simpler life where we only listened to radio or read the papers before the advent of cable news and social media. Mass shootings, natural disasters, terrorism. starvation come at us every day. With each, our national conversation once again focuses on prevention, preparedness, or help as it rightly should. We pray and reach out to help our fellow Americans and others across the world who are suffering through the shock of losing loved ones, life, and property.
While pre-crisis management is valuable, matched with comfort and support for everyone affected, we must also come to grips with a stark fact. As hard as we try, we simply cannot control everything.
For most of us, life doles out a succession of disturbing and unexpected losses and challenges. The unexpected smashes into us with the full force of a brawny football tackle. We DO have control though over how to navigate life’s storms by making sure we build our lives on the solid rock of Jesus’ strength, love and comfort.
At times, we stand tall on the Solid Rock. At other times, we are curled up in a knot of pain resting on the Rock. Sometimes, we are hanging on to a rock by our fingertips wondering how long we can last. And often, our response to tragedy is a mix; standing, falling, grasping, standing up again, desperately asking God for His mercy and intervention to help us make it through each hour of a shocking day or season.
Times like these need the assurance of timeless scriptures. 
Psalm 55:22 “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you...” 
Psalm 157:3 “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”  
Jesus is THE Solid Rock.

 “I learned there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead, others come from behind. But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready, you see. Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me.”–Dr. Seuss

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