Spiritual DNA

Receiving my DNA results from 
Ancestry.com confirmed most of my already-known ancestry; Irish, Scottish, and British. My patriarchal family tree allowed me to become a member of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Scientific tools have opened countless mysterious 
doors for millions to shine a light on our genetic information. Our spiritual DNA, however, sources our true identity with the treasures of eternal life. 
God forged DNA in His infinite imagination when He created physical life

He wove our spiritual DNA into a redemptive pattern of salvation  throughout the Bible’s 66 books culminating in the Incarnation when Jesus donned our human DNA.  


Ancestry.com has blessed many. Yet God, the Creator of DNA itself, enshrined His love and sacrifice into an eternal family tree through Jewish scribes who brilliantly captivated us with the “greatest story ever told.” God’s human entrance to our world came through MaryHer Jewish DNA was blended with the most profound anomaly in human historythe virgin birth  


God used Jewish patriarchs, Jewish scribes, a young Jewish mother, and Jewish disciples to transmit our spiritual DNA, setting the stage to welcome and crown our Jewish Savior. When we encounter Jesusrich in overwhelming love, it is more than human DNA can grasp!   


Our spiritual DNA offers us a colossal family tree. It stretches around the world across cultures, colors, economic status, national boundaries, and backgrounds! My Christian family is a potpourri of believers in many Christian faith traditions. The mix includes believers on every continent along with Muslim and Jewish-background believers. It is a beautiful tapestry of cultures on earth.  


Whether we know much about our physical ancestry or not, when we invite Jesus to dwell in our hearts and minds, HE becomes our Spiritual DNA. His Holy Spirit saves, guides, and counsels us. Strengthens and enables us to bless and serve others. He enriches our earthly lives and secures our place in Heaven. Ancestry: Invented by God! 

 “Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly.”  -Epictetus

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